BEARS4U has been creating and designing a combination of 100 or more...
Sherpa BeanBag Charity
BEARS, Puppies & Bunnies that will be donated to
The Friends of Beaverdams Church
Each one has a Custom embroidered Logo from the Beaverdams Church on it's belly.
Created by me using their Logo ...
They have all been created from New Materials made in Canada
Stuffed with %100 polyester stuffing
Handmade plastic pellets inserted in a polyester bag
and hand sewn inside there bottoms for weight
Each one comes with safety eyes and noses!
The fabric used in the ears pads is New! Polyester Cotton.
and a BEARS4U Label, on a foot pad.
It has been donated for this and other fundraising activities I have been doing!
They were first available at the …
Thorold’s Annual Christmas Show & Sale 2019...In the beginning of this BEARY awesome adventure
to help with the restoration of the
1832 Beaverdams Church
Two Original Bears were created to present to the committee for approval
They were created from " Shag Felt" and shown in the picture below with:
Melanie Battell, Vice President at that meeting!

You can contact them...
The two Shaggy Felt ones above, have been adopted and along with
The ✂️Many, Charity BeanBag Bears, Kitties, Bunnies, &Puppies🧵
since the beginning of 2019...
From the Thorold’s Spring Show to the Winona Peach Festival ( ), London Doll & TeddyBear Show then back to Thorold for their amazing Christmas Show!
The Friends of Beaverdams Church were also going to have them at their fund raisers!
Then... COVID-19 began and things started to be cancelled!
Many festivals or Shows weren’t able to happen over the last year.
Events that the Friends of Beaverdams Church hold also had to be cancelled from the :
“How Great Thou Art” , Their Spring Luncheon Fundraiser,
And so many more Events for their fundraising during this past Year ...
The Annual Applefest in September, The Spring Yard Sale, etc...
As we are all aware that 2020 has been a challenge for everyone
we must do our part & stay apart!
Wear a mask
Wash your hands
Stay home and stay safe!
Some Businesses where able to go virtual and have shows on line!
Even Friends of Beaverdams Church
Check out this link...
Last Christmas 2019 at the Thorold’s Annual Christmas Show
Hand knitted hats sweaters capes and scarves have been created just for them:
Thank you Penny for your generous gift the Bears and Critters can keep warm for the winter! Lol
The link above is where you can see all the details of the restoration of this
1832Methodist Episcopal Church
and awesome story of this amazing group!
This Community of amazing people working together to restoring a heritage building and preserving a piece of History!
I am still creating “New Critters “, to donate to the Beaverdams Church,
Sherpa BeanBag Charity Critters & Bears Fundraising Events!
For 2021 you can donate directly or adopt one from them
We now have Foxes, Skunks Cats, Puppies, Hounds, Bunnies
& of course BEARS4U 🇨🇦
If all goes well with the Pandemic and we can get back on track with Shows and Events, I will also have some with me up for adoption...
Show you care
Adopt a BEAR
Or Critter...
Help me help them restore History!
Check back often on both sites to see what new critters I have created using the original pattern and making various changes to create different critters!
Wishing you all a safe and beautiful Christmas, praying we can have a great 2021
God Bless Stay Safe...